
Buat yang suka nulis... Pengen tulisannya dibaca
orang... yang punya ide segar... Gagasan Cerdas... Silahkan Kirim k kami
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1. Tulisan, ide, gagasan orisinil
2. Jumlah kata tidak dibatasi
3. Sudah diedit sesuai EYD
4. Melampierkan foto (opsional) dan kota asal
5. Bersedia memberi ide cuma-cuma

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

The End in Mind

Question: The common cry of students is that they don't want to study; however, they know it has to be done. What can you do to get motivated in these situations?

Answer: Most successful students don't enjoy studying. They enjoy the fruits of that studying.

It's the same with exercising or cleaning the house. A friend of mine endured months of grueling runs while training for a road race. She didn't like the pain, but she liked finishing the race.

This is a major theme in motivation. Yes, a natural drive bubbles up when you do what you love. But that's not always possible. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. In those cases, you have to focus on what it's going to give you.

Why study? Why do well on tests? What will you get out of it?

Answers to questions like these are your motives. And while you might not think the rewards of studying stretch farther than a good grade, think again.

See the big picture. A good grade can earn you a degree. A degree can earn you a career. A career can earn you a living and a lifestyle and a means to offer the world your unique contribution.

A better grade here or there can lead to a different life.

Focus on these rewards, on the long-term benefits of doing well in school, and the motivation to keep at it will be yours.

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